Swelly Commands

Swelly's commands are seamlessly integrated into Discord with Slash Commands as well as Legacy.
Simply type "+help" or "/help" on your keyboard to reveal and explore the commands!


Play specific track.


Stop playback.


Generates swelly invite link.


Display help or assistance information.


Shows information about premium subscription.


Playlist info of swelly.


Keep the bot in the voice channel 24/7.


Enable automatic playback of related content.


Activate/deactivate the 8D audio filter.


Add similar tracks to queue.


Modify audio to sound like chipmunk voice.


Clear queue.


Leave voice channel.


Activate/deactivate the distortion audio filter.


Fixes vc settings.


Forcefully play specific track.


Skip forward to specific point in track.


Joins a voice channel.


Enable karaoke mode.


Enable/disable looping playback.


Filter audio frequencies below cutoff.

/lyrics (currenty unavailable)

Shows the lyrics of the current playing track.


Changes position of a track in a queue.


Moves the user to swelly's vc.


Disable/enable nightcore filter.


Displays current track.


Pauses the track


Adjust pitch


Set swelly's command prefix.


Display current queue.


Remove specific track from queue.


Remove duplicate tracks from queue.


Replay current track.


Resets all enabled filters.


Resume playback after pause.


Skip backward to specific point.


Enable/Disable rotation filter.


Seek to specific point in track.


Shows swelly's settings in the server.


Shuffle order of tracks in queue.


Sends swelly support server's link.


Enable/disable tremolo filter.


Enable/disable vibrato filter.


Adjust volume level of swelly.


Upvote swelly.

Play millions of songs in your discord server

It's easy with Swelly.

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